Dr. Hugo Bromley
Hugo Bromley is a historian of English manufacturing and British political economy and geopolitics, focusing on the early eighteenth century.
Bromley’s recently submitted PhD, completed at Cambridge, looked at how textile manufacturers and their employees shaped the formation of Britain after 1688, and the role of the British state in the global economy immediately before the Industrial Revolution. At the Centre, he will coordinate the forthcoming project on the applied history of the UK Union, as well as continuing his own research. He has also been appointed as an affiliated post-doctoral research associate at Robinson College.
Hugo previously worked for the Centre as a Research Assistant on the Baltic Geopolitics Programme, which he will continue to support. He also hosted a short podcast series on the Geopolitics of Finance, which is available online at On Geopolitics. He completed his undergraduate studies at the LSE and his MPhil at here at Cambridge. Away from academia, he has worked as a researcher at the International Financial Law Review and as a reporter at IFLR Practice Insight.