Dr. Iskander Rehman
Iskander Rehman was an AJI Post-doctoral Fellow at the Kissinger Center. His work focused on applied history, grand strategy, and US defense strategy in Asia. Dr. Rehman is also the founder of the Rochambeau Dialogue, a Track 1.5 Franco-U.S. defense dialogue held every year in Newport, RI.
Iskander Rehman is currently the Senior Fellow for Strategic Studies at the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC), which he joined in July 2020. His work focuses on applied history, grand strategy, and US defense strategy in Asia. Dr. Rehman is also the founder of the Rochambeau Dialogue, a Track 1.5 Franco-U.S. defense dialogue held every year in Newport, RI.
Prior to joining AFPC, Dr. Rehman was the Senior Fellow for International Relations at the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy in Newport, Rhode Island. Over the course of his career, he has held fellowships at a number of different think-tanks, such as the Brookings Institution, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Dr. Rehman has also lived and worked in India, holding visiting fellowships at the Observer Research Foundation and at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, both in New Delhi. He has published a number of think tank monographs, book chapters, and articles in journals such as Survival, The Washington Quarterly, The Naval War College Review, Asian Security, India Review, and Texas National Security Review. He is a contributing editor and regular writer for War on the Rocks, and his work has featured or cited in The Guardian, The American Interest, The Financial Times, Engelsberg Ideas, The Economist, The Indian Express, Le Monde, The Diplomat, The National Interest, and BBC World, amongst others. Dr. Rehman holds a Ph.D., with distinction, from the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po), in Paris.